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Color Harmonies with color-core

Color harmonies are combinations of colors that are visually appealing and work well together. They are based on the arrangement of colors on a color wheel. color-core provides methods to easily generate various color harmonies. Let's explore these harmonies and how to create them.

Supported Color Harmonies

color-core supports the following color harmonies:

  1. Complementary
  2. Analogous
  3. Triadic
  4. Tetradic (Rectangle)
  5. Split-Complementary
  6. Double Split-Complementary
  7. Square
  8. Monochromatic
  9. Shades
  10. Tints
  11. Tones

Let's examine each of these in detail:

Complementary Colors

Complementary colors are pairs of colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. They create a high contrast and vibrant look when used together.

const color = new Color('#ff0000');
const [base, complement] = color.complementary();

Choose a base color:

Base: #ff0000

Complement: #00ffff

Analogous Colors

Analogous colors are groups of three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs.

const color = new Color('#ff0000');
const [base, analog1, analog2] = color.analogous();

Choose a base color:

Analogous colors: #ff0000, #ff0080, #ff8000

Triadic Colors

Triadic colors are three colors equally spaced around the color wheel. They tend to be quite vibrant, even if you use pale or unsaturated versions of your hues.

const color = new Color('#ff0000');
const [base, triad1, triad2] = color.triadic();

Choose a base color:

Triadic colors: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ff

Tetradic Colors (Rectangle)

Tetradic color harmony uses four colors arranged into two complementary pairs. This scheme is rich and offers many possibilities for variation.

const color = new Color('#ff0000');
const [base, tetra1, tetra2, tetra3] = color.tetradic();

Choose a base color:

Tetradic colors: #ff0000, #80ff00, #00ffff, #8000ff

Split-Complementary Colors

Split-complementary color harmony uses a base color and the two colors adjacent to its complement. This provides high contrast while being more nuanced than a complementary scheme.

const color = new Color('#ff0000');
const [base, split1, split2] = color.splitComplementary();

Choose a base color:

Split-complementary colors: #ff0000, #00ff80, #0080ff

Double Split-Complementary Colors

Double split-complementary harmony uses four colors: a base color, its complement, and the colors on either side of the complement. This creates a rich, vibrant palette.

const color = new Color('#ff0000');
const [base, doubleSplit1, doubleSplit2, doubleSplit3, doubleSplit4] = color.doubleSplitComplementary();

Choose a base color:

Double split-complementary colors: #ff0000, #00ff80, #0080ff, #ff0080, #ff8000

Square Colors

Square color harmony uses four colors evenly spaced around the color wheel. This creates a balanced, dynamic color scheme.

const color = new Color('#ff0000');
const [base, square1, square2, square3] = color.square();

Choose a base color:

Square colors: #ff0000, #80ff00, #00ffff, #8000ff

Monochromatic Colors

Monochromatic color harmony uses variations in lightness and saturation of a single color. This creates a cohesive and sophisticated look.

const color = new Color('#ff0000');
const monochromaticColors = color.monochromatic(5); // generates 5 monochromatic colors

Choose a base color:

Monochromatic colors: #000000, #800000, #ff0000, #ff8080, #ffffff

Shades, Tints, and Tones

color-core also provides methods to generate shades (darker versions), tints (lighter versions), and tones (less saturated versions) of a color.

const color = new Color('#ff0000');
const shades = color.shades(10);
const tints = color.tints(10);
const tones = color.tones(10);

Choose a base color for shades:

Shades: #ff0000, #e30000, #c60000, #aa0000, #8e0000, #710000, #550000, #390000, #1c0000, #000000

Choose a base color for tints:

Tints: #ff0000, #ff1c1c, #ff3939, #ff5555, #ff7171, #ff8e8e, #ffaaaa, #ffc6c6, #ffe3e3, #ffffff

Choose a base color for tones:

Tones: #ff0000, #f10e0e, #e31c1c, #d52b2b, #c63939, #b84747, #aa5555, #9c6363, #8e7171, #808080

These color harmony methods provide a powerful toolkit for creating visually appealing color schemes in your projects. Experiment with different base colors and harmony types to find the perfect combination for your needs.